Hello every body I m new in this site, I m getting some difficulties to solve the following problem please help out me.

Problem Statement:

You are required to write a small Conversion web application using JSP action elements and JavaBean.

This application contains one html file (index.html) one JSP file (result.jsp) and
one JavaBean.

From index.html file, user will enter a number in text field and select its option from drop down list and the result will be displayed on result.html file.

The result.jsp file must use JSP action elements to evaluate the result of index.html file. You must use JavaBean class for this purpose.

Sample output of index.html

When user will enter the weight in text field and select its option from the drop-down list then result will be displayed on result.jsp.

Similarly, when user will enter the temperature in text field and select its option from the drop-down list then result will be displayed on result.jsp.

The formula to convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius:
celsius = 5 * (fahrenheit - 32) / 9

The formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit:
Fahrenheit = ( 9*Celsius/5 + 32)

The formula to convert Gram to Kilogram:
Gram = kilogram/1000

The formula to convert Kilogram to gram:
kilogram = gram*1000

Welcome balquees.

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