franko75 0 Newbie Poster

Hi, I have a slideshow set up on my site which allows users to click back and forward to view images - the transition is an animated slide to the next image. But I now want to set up an automatic fade, which fades in the next image on a timer. I'm not entirely sure how to set this up and how to integrate this with my current script without conflicting with it.

Here is what I have so far for the onclick slide animation. If anyone can help with some advice to get me started with the auto fading that would be great!

// project animations
    }, function(){
    // project arrows
    var currentFeatureSlide = 1;
    var currentFeatureLocation = 0;
    var totalFeatureSlides = Math.ceil( ($(".featured-entry > div").size()) );
        if (currentFeatureSlide != totalFeatureSlides) {
            if (currentFeatureSlide == 1) { $("a.arrow-left").fadeTo(300,0.75); }
            newFeatureLocation = (currentFeatureLocation + 512);
            if (currentFeatureSlide == totalFeatureSlides) {
                $("a.arrow-right").fadeTo(300,0.2); }
            currentFeatureLocation = newFeatureLocation;
        if (currentFeatureSlide != 1) {
            if (currentFeatureSlide == totalFeatureSlides) {
                $("a.arrow-right").fadeTo(300,0.75); }
            newFeatureLocation = (currentFeatureLocation - 512);
            if (currentFeatureSlide > 2) {
                newFeatureLocationNum = "-"+newFeatureLocation; } else {
                newFeatureLocationNum = newFeatureLocation; }
            if (currentFeatureSlide == 1) {
                $("a.arrow-left").fadeTo(300,0.2); }
            currentFeatureLocation = newFeatureLocation;