I am using a function in php for all select queries so that i can dynamically retrieve data from my database ..... I just wanted to know that is my code secure and efficient or if their is a better way to do this, if so please point me to the right direction...thanks
function extracting_comments($table, $fields,$condition,$order,$limit){
$query="SELECT ".$fields."
FROM ".$table."
WHERE ".$condition."
ORDER BY ".$order."
LIMIT ".$limit." ";
if($stmt = $this->conn->prepare($query)) {
$row = array_pad(array(), $stmt->field_count, '');
$params = array();
foreach($row as $k=>$v) {
$params[] = &$row[$k];
echo $params[0];
$result = array();
while($stmt->fetch()) {
foreach ($row as $b=>$elem) {
return $result;
I am basically trying to send a few parameters to the function and then extract 'n' no. of fields, from 'n' no. of rows & return all the values in an array... So that i can reuse this function whenever I want to extract data from my database, by simply calling the function along with the parameters....