Does anybody know any good open source live chat support modules I can integrate into my site? My company specializes in Seo. If you would like to view our website it is at <URL SNIPPED>seo tampa.

Member Avatar for diafol

I've used one recently called Help Desk 1.0 by Linux Web Shop. The live chat module is awesome (for free). It also has a ticket system and a knowledge base builder (a complete support package). Unfortunately I can't remember from where I downloaded it (I think it was sourceforge, but I may be wrong).


Here you go:

Ok, thanks!
Im going to look into that right now.

    echo "<script>alert('Pls Select Check Box')</script>";    
commented: What u doin? Plonker -1

Does anybody know any good open source live chat support modules I can integrate into my site? My company specializes in Seo. If you would like to view our website it is at <URL SNIPPED>seo tampa.

I haven't tried it but it looks ok .... its free though. Good Luck

I've used one recently called Help Desk 1.0 by Linux Web Shop. The live chat module is awesome (for free). It also has a ticket system and a knowledge base builder (a complete support package). Unfortunately I can't remember from where I downloaded it (I think it was sourceforge, but I may be wrong).


Here you go:

thanks for sharing the URL.

I've used one recently called Help Desk 1.0 by Linux Web Shop. The live chat module is awesome (for free). It also has a ticket system and a knowledge base builder (a complete support package). Unfortunately I can't remember from where I downloaded it (I think it was sourceforge, but I may be wrong).


Here you go:

hai all, i downloaded chat script from

. i want to change this chat script to my requirements, i struck at iframe problem, this script displays the chat message in descending order. i change it ascendig order but problem is the iframe shows top. the last message is at bottom of the page.
how can i shows bottom of iframe . if i want see the last massage manually scrolldown the iframe.
is it any way to display last mesaage without scrolldown the iframe.

I've used one recently called Help Desk 1.0 by Linux Web Shop. The live chat module is awesome (for free). It also has a ticket system and a knowledge base builder (a complete support package). Unfortunately I can't remember from where I downloaded it (I think it was sourceforge, but I may be wrong).


Here you go:

hello... ardav,
i have also same problem as raja.
chat messages are displaying desc order. i changed into asc order. but there is a problem with scrollbar. whenever chatmsg sends it zzz showing top of the chatmsg first. it zzz not showing bottom of the iframe.

Member Avatar for diafol

sorry not my script. free support not included.

sorry not my script. free support not included.

you have any idea about my problem to solve?

sorry not my script. free support not included.

the scrollbar will appear the content overflows the frame. how to do that changes.

Member Avatar for diafol

no idea sorry - I don't use it anymore.

looks interesting! I have downloaded and will check it
Thanks ardav

looks interesting! I have downloaded and will check it
Thanks ardav

have you downloaded that chat script?the scrollbar will appear the content overflows the frame. how to do that changes. you have any idea for that my problem? if you have any idea plz reply back how it is.....

looks interesting! I have downloaded and will check it
Thanks ardav

have you saw that chat script. in that you obserb chat msgs are display in asc order (i mean there is displaying only top.
but display chat messages as up to down direction. when chat iframe over flows obserb every time we have to get scroller down to see the new chatmsg.

actually it is displaying like this in downloaded script.

1)admin:how can i help you.

. i am giving numaric values to chat msgs plz understand.
so above code i changed for displaying chat messages are in asc order. then it is working fine.
like this.

1)admin:how can i help you.

but after chat window is full then absorb every time we can scroll down. is there any solution to over come this problem.

we dont want to integrate chat software. we want to integrate chat script with our code.

Member Avatar for diafol

Hmm, april seems to be flogging his wares.

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