Here is the error I recieve:
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home1/edubnini/public_html/mysql_db_size.php on line 1
Here is the output of the script:
MySQL Database size reporter
Version 1.0.0
Displays all MySQL databases with their size and privileges. If configured
per database), the INSERT and CREATE priveleges can be revoked for a
database, to prevent growing in size. If the database drops below a set
limit, it can unlock the database.
This software comes without warranty. Before using it, read the license
Author: Michael Boelen (
Description: MySQL Database size reporter/checker/limiter;
Development start: October 2007
Support policy: - No installation/usage support
- Features/tips can be send by the contact form
License: GPL version 3 []
Documentation: Website and PHP script
// MySQL connection settings
// Depending if you want to check one or more databases, use the right
// username/password. If you want to check all databases, most likely
// you will need to login with the MySQL root user.
// Thresholds for the warning colors
// (red = exceeded limit, orange = warning, yellow = attention,
// green = good, white = no usage)
// Default database limit (in megabytes)
// Note: no database locking will be performed on a generic base.
// Configure per database specific information/limits
// - Owner
// - Contact details (e-mail address)
// - Database specific limit (in megabytes). Depending on this limit, a colored bar will be drawn
// This limit will also apply to database locking, if enabled.
// - Show tables within the application (TRUE or FALSE)
// - Allow database locking (to prevent new records being added to the database)
No configuration needed below this point
<title>MySQL database size reporter []</title>
<style type="text/css">
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 11px;
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 11px;
background-color: navy;
color: white;
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
// Connect with the server
$MySQL_connect=mysql_connect($MySQL_hostname, $MySQL_username, $MySQL_password) or die ("Error: can't connect to the MySQL server");
// Get available databases
$Mdbresult = mysql_query("SHOW DATABASES");
while($Mdbs = mysql_fetch_array($Mdbresult))
echo "<table width=\"50%\" style=\"border: 1px solid black;\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
echo "<tr><td class=\"head\" colspan=\"2\">» " . $Database . "</td></tr>";
$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
$size = 0;
$table_information = "";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$size += $row["Data_length"];
// Save information about tables (with size in MB)
$table_information .= $row["Name"] .": ". round(($row["Data_length"]/1024)/1024, 3) ." MB<br>";
// Get size in megabytes (with 2 decimals)
$size = round(($size/1024)/1024, 2);
// Set limit
if ($threshold[$Database][dblimit]!="") { $dblimit=$threshold[rootkit][dblimit]; }
else { $dblimit=$Limit_database_size; }
// Percent table
$fill = round(($size/$dblimit)*100, 0);
echo "<tr><td width=\"30%\">Database size:</td><td>".$size." MB</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Database limit:</td><td>".$dblimit." MB</td></tr>";
if ($threshold[$Database][admin]!="") { echo "<tr><td>Database administrator:</td><td>".$threshold[$Database][admin]."</td></tr>"; }
if ($threshold[$Database][admin_address]!="") { echo "<tr><td>Contact details:</td><td>".$threshold[$Database][admin_address]."</td></tr>"; }
// Assign colors
if ($fill>100 || $fill==100) { $fill=100; $bgcolor="red"; }
elseif ($fill>$Limit_warning) { $bgcolor="orange"; }
elseif ($fill>$Limit_attention) { $bgcolor="yellow"; }
elseif ($fill==0) { $bgcolor="white"; }
else { $bgcolor="green"; }
// Draw table
$table="<table width=\"100\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border: 1px solid black;\"><tr>";
if ($fill==0 || $fill>49) { $a=" "; } else { $b=" "; }
$table.= "<td style=\"background-color: ".$bgcolor.";\" width=\"$fill\">".$a."</td>";
if ($fill!=100 && $fill!=0) { $table.="<td style=\"border-left: 1px solid black;\">".$b."</td>"; }
echo "<tr><td>Usage (".$fill."%):</td><td>$table</td></tr>";
if ($threshold[$Database][db_showtables]) { echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\">Table information:</td><td>".$table_information."</td></tr>"; }
// Check permissions in database 'mysql'
$mysqldb_query="SELECT * from `db` WHERE `Db`='".$Database."'";
while($mysqldb_row = mysql_fetch_array($mysqldb_result))
echo "<tr><td>Database users:</td><td>[<b>Host:</b> ".$mysqldb_row['Host']."] [<b>Db:</b> ".$mysqldb_row['Db']."] [<b>User:</b> ".$mysqldb_row['User']."]</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Database permissions:</td><td><b>Insert:</b> ";
echo $mysqldb_row['Insert_priv'];
echo " <b>Create:</b> ";
echo $mysqldb_row['Create_priv'];
echo "</td></tr>";
if (mysql_affected_rows()==0)
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><i>No specific database user for this database found.</i></td></tr>";
// Lock databases (if enabled) when limit is exceeded
if ($fill==100 && $threshold[$Database][db_allow_locking])
$mysqldb_query="UPDATE `db` SET `Create_priv`='N', `Insert_priv`='N' WHERE `Db`='".$Database."'";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><b>" . mysql_affected_rows() . " database record(s) changed.</b></tr></tr>";
// Insert your custom actions here, when the database is LOCKED
// Examples:
// - Send e-mail
// - Create README file in html directory
// - Add a remark to a backend tool
elseif ($threshold[$Database][db_allow_locking])
// Search for locked databases, while they are below their limit (again). If we find any, we can unlock them.
$mysqldb_query="SELECT * FROM `db` WHERE `Db`='".$Database."' AND `Create_priv`='N' AND `Insert_priv`='N'";
// Unlock databases (if found incorrectly locked ones)
while($mysqldb_row = mysql_fetch_array($mysqldb_result))
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">Unlocking database (Host: ".$mysqldb_row['Host'].", Database: ".$mysqldb_row['Db'].", User: ".$mysqldb_row['User'].")... ";
$mysqldb_query_update="UPDATE `db` SET `Create_priv`='Y', `Insert_priv`='Y' WHERE `Db`='".$Database."'";
echo mysql_affected_rows()." record(s) updated.</td></tr>";
// Insert your custom actions here, when the database is UNLOCKED
// Examples:
// - Send e-mail
// - Create README file in html directory
// - Add a remark to a backend tool
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<br>\n";
// Disconnect
Before you delete the copyright line, consider:
- Altered scripts should be made public, due the GPL license. Send me a copy
if you adjusted the script, so the public can enjoy the new changes. Script
donations can be done via the contact form.
- Open Source tools/scripts development takes lots of (unpayed) time
- If the script is used in a commercial environment, consider a donation
- See website for more information
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
echo "<tr><td style=\"border-top: 1px solid black;\">Report created by MySQL database size reporter - Copyright 2007-".date("Y")." Michael Boelen - <a href=\"\"></a></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";