Our website used to be hosted in the US, but has since been moved to the UK. The the problem is somewhere in the php code the time has been set to 6 hours behind UK time, which was correct for when the site was hosted in the USA. Now its in the UK, when A customer places an order, it does not show on our order downloads for 6 hours and in some cases counts as an order for the following day. I have looked through the php file and found these lines of code, does anyone know what I should change to correct this error?
$extime = time() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
$dcsql = "INSERT INTO discounts VALUES('','cosmoscode','".$cucode."',1500,0,10,0,'active',1,'".time()."','".$extime."','')";
and $tictime = time() + (3600 * 6);
and $ordersql1 = $ordersql1.$_POST["transactiontime"]."','NULL','".$_POST['cctype']."',".$torderstatus.",'',".$tictime.",0,";