I'm trying to display a certain amount of words on one page from a database entry. For ex., on my main page I want to display the first 50 words of a story then a link will lead you to the rest of the story. I kind of know what I need to do but I don't know where to put the code. I want to display the first 50 words from 'story'. Here is my code.
<table width="760" border="3" bordercolor="ffffff" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$query="SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 0, 1";
while ($i < $num) {
$story=mysql_result ($result,$i,"story");
<td bgcolor="ffffff" width="400" valign="top"><img src="mainpic.jpg"></img></td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff" width="360" valign="top"><h4><? echo "$headline"; ?></h4><h3><? echo "$story"; ?></h3><a href="view_story.php?id=<? echo "$id"; ?>" style="text-decoration:none"><h5>read more...</h5></a></td>
echo "</table>";