Hi All,

I am having contsantly getting the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 4295491584) (tried to allocate 8589934593 bytes)

the line its complaining about is as following hilighted in bold:

$link = @sybase_connect('****', '***', '****')
        or die("Could not connect !");
echo "Connected successfully";

$sql = "SELECT id_key, nm_value, dt_create

echo "<table border='1' width='100%' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
echo "   <tr bgcolor='lightblue'>";
echo "      <td><b>ID KEY</b></td>";
echo "      <td><b>NM VALUE</b></td>";
echo "      <td><b>DT CREATE</b></td>";
echo "   </tr>";

[B]$sql_result = sybase_query($sql,$link);[/B]

Any help would be very much appreciated. Many thanks


If you are working with a huge number of records, maybe sybase is trying to build a table in memory to hold all the results and it's running out of space. If that is a possibility, then you might want to try changing your query as an experiment to limit the number of records by something like "...and id_key < 1000" (based on looking at the keys that you have and picking one that is pretty low in the range). If that works, then you could try increasing the amount of memory (see the post ) and/or by process the input in stages by key range or alphabetically by the name or by date ranges.

same problem but not resolved

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