While I am a veteran OOP programmer, I am stumped on aspects of the scope of javascript objects.
What follows is a self-contained custom javascript class who's function is to manage a suite of containers as accordion sliders. I got it to work but must-be I'm not sure why it works because I cannot now use it with a 2nd suite of containers - ie reuse the class as an object managing additional suites of accordion containers.
Probably the easiest way to understand is to re-create the sample and script files and then load the sample into a browser.
You will find:

  • -the Left column working just fine.

The challenge:

  • -fix my cluggie script to then work with a second object which manages the Right column as elegantly.
  • -explain what I've done wrong.

The object, upon instantiation, receives a tag name eg h3 and an attribute to look for eg SliderL - it then init()'s upon document.load event and attaches a sliddown event to each of the h3/SliderL elements it finds on the page, thereby collecting the h3/SliderL's into said accordion suite, the sliderEngine then keeps track of which element might be opened and then closes it upon a subsequent slidedown event on another member of the suite - you'll see this working in the demo.
What I want is to enable the 2nd suite of accordion sliders on the right which are managed independently of the left.
!Most appreciative to any/everyone who can enlighten me


function Slider(sliderTagType, sliderAttribute) {
	if (sliderTagType) {
		this.sliderTagType = sliderTagType;
	} else {
		this.sliderTagType = 'Slider';
	$ = function(id) {return document.getElementById(id);};
	dc = function(tag) {return document.createElement(tag);};
	// sorry
	isIE = !! document.all && !! window.attachEvent && ! window.opera;
	this.sliders = {};
	this.timerlen = 100;
	this.slideAniLen = 1500;
	this.timerID = {};
	this.startTime = {};
	this.sliderObjs = {};
	this.endHeight = {};
	this.moving = {};
	this.dir = {};
	this.orighgts = {};
	if (sliderAttribute) {
		this.sliderAttribute = sliderAttribute;
	} else {
		this.sliderAttribute = 'Slider';
	this.sliderEngine = this;
	this.addEvent = function(element, ev, handler) {
		var doHandler = function(e) {
			return handler(e||window.event);
		if (element.addEventListener) { 
			element.addEventListener(ev, doHandler, false);
		} else if (element.attachEvent) { 
			element.attachEvent("on" + ev, doHandler); 
	this.get_height = function(obj) {
		if (Boolean(this.orighgts[obj.id])) {
			return this.orighgts[obj.id];
		} else if (parseInt(obj.height) > 0) {
			hgt = parseInt(obj.height);
		} else if (Boolean(obj.scrollHeight)){
			hgt = obj.scrollHeight;
		} else if (Boolean(obj.offsetHeight)) {
			hgt = obj.offsetHeight;
		} else {
			hgt = 0; //may be display:none;
		this.orighgts[obj.id] = hgt;
		return hgt;
	this.set_static_height = function(obj) {
		if (Boolean(obj.style.height)) {
			return obj;
		} else {
			hgt = this.get_height(obj);
			obj.style.height = hgt + 'px';
			obj.style.display = 'none';
			return obj;
	this.slidedownevent = function(e) {
		var etarg;
		if (! e) var e = window.event;
		if (e.target) etarg = e.target;
		else if (e.srcElement) etarg = e.srcElement;
		if (etarg.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
			etarg = etarg.parentNode;
		var aS;
		if (aS = etarg.getAttribute(sliderEngine.sliderAttribute)) {
			var q = "";
			if (Boolean(sliderEngine.showing) && sliderEngine.showing == aS) {
			} else {
		} else {
			return false;
	this.slidedown = function(objid){
		//this bit keeps opening object parents from closing if nested and then expands a parents height should its child need opening
		var parent = $(objid).parentNode;
		if (Boolean(this.showing)) {
			if (this.showing != parent.id) {//don't close a parent
				this.moving[this.showing] = true;
				this.dir[this.showing] = "up";
				parent = false;//we need this later
			} else if (this.showing == parent.id) {//expand the parent
				parent.style.height = this.get_height(parent) + this.get_height($(objid)) + 9 + 'px';
		} else {
			parent = false;
		if (this.moving[objid]) {
		if (this.sliders[objid] && this.sliders[objid].style.display != "none") {
			return; // cannot slide down something that is already visible
		this.moving[objid] = true;
		this.dir[objid] = "down";
		if (Boolean(parent)) {//setup to close the parent in case a parent sibling needs closing
			this.showing = parent.id;
		} else {
			this.showing = objid;
	this.slideup = function(objid){
		if (this.moving[objid])
		if (this.sliders[objid].style.display == "none")
			return; // cannot slide up something that is already hidden
		this.moving[objid] = true;
		this.dir[objid] = "up";
		if (this.showing == objid) {
			this.showing = null;
	this.startslide = function(objid) {
		this.sliderObjs[objid] = this.sliders[objid];
		this.endHeight[objid] = parseInt(this.sliderObjs[objid].style.height);
		this.startTime[objid] = (new Date()).getTime();
		if (this.dir[objid] == "down"){
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.height = "1px";
		} else {
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.zIndex -= 50;
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.display = "block";
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.opacity = .5;
		//timerID[objid] = setInterval('slidetick(\'' + objid + '\');', timerlen);
		this.timerID[objid] = setInterval(function(){sliderEngine.slidetick(objid)}, this.timerlen);
	this.slidetick = function(objid) {
		var elapsed = (new Date()).getTime() - sliderEngine.startTime[objid];
		if (elapsed > sliderEngine.slideAniLen) {
		} else {
			var d =Math.round(elapsed / sliderEngine.slideAniLen * sliderEngine.endHeight[objid]);
			//	document.write(d+' =Math.round(elapsed / '+sliderEngine.slideAniLen+' * '+sliderEngine.endHeight[objid]);
			if (sliderEngine.dir[objid] == "up") {
				d = sliderEngine.endHeight[objid] - d;
			sliderEngine.sliderObjs[objid].style.height = d + "px";
	this.endSlide = function(objid){
		if(this.dir[objid] == "up") {
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.display = "none";
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.zIndex += 50;
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.height = this.endHeight[objid] + "px";
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.opacity = 1;
	//		addEvent("onclick", sliderAttribute.slideDown);
	* attach an event to all rel="-slider" elements
	* that will open its accompanying (nextSibling) container
	* and close all others
	this.init = function() {
		if ('undefined' == typeof sliderTagType) {
			sliderTagType = 'h3';
		var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(sliderTagType);
		for (i in elems) {
			elem = elems[i];
			if (elem.getAttribute) {
				var elemVal = elem.getAttribute(this.sliderAttribute);
				if (elemVal != null) {
					sliderEngine.sliders[elemVal] = sliderEngine.set_static_height($(elemVal));
					this.addEvent(elem, "click", sliderEngine.slidedownevent);

* @usage
* var sliderEngine = new Slider('h3');
* sliderEngine.addEvent(window, "load", sliderEngine.init);


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<title>Codename: Steeve Knight :: JavaScript Slider Tester</title>
<div style="width:90%; margin:auto;">
<h2 style="text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid grey;">Slider Tester</h2>
<div style="width:40%; float:left; padding:1em; margin:0px auto; text-align:justify;">
	<h3 class="" style="background-color:#CDCDCD;" SliderL="L_one">Left One</h3>
	<div id="L_one" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
	<h3 class="" style="background-color:#CDCDCD;" SliderL="L_two">Left Two</h3>
	<div id="L_two" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
	<h3 class="" style="background-color:#CDCDCD;" SliderL="L_three">Left Three</h3>
	<div id="L_three" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
<div style="width:50%; float:left; padding:1em; margin:0px auto; text-align:justify; border-left:1px solid grey;">
	<h3 class="" style="background-color:#CDCDCD;" SliderR="R_one">Right One</h3>
	<div id="R_one" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
	<h3 class="" style="background-color:#CDCDCD; overflow:hidden;" SliderR="R_two">Right Two</h3>
	<div id="R_two" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
	<h3 class="" style="background-color:#CDCDCD; overflow:hidden;" SliderR="R_two">Right Three</h3>
	<div id="R_Three" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sliderTester.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--
var sliderEngine = new Slider('h3', 'SliderL');
function start_slider() {
sliderEngine.addEvent(window, "load", start_slider);



The contructor function Slider contains a strange mixture of ideas!

Chiefly, sliderEngine is global and is an instance of Slider , but Slider refers to sliderEngine internally where (I guess) it should use this . $ and dc are set within Slider but without a leading var , hence they are global. If a second instance of Slider is created, then these functions are redefined - no real problem and no error will be generated - just not necessary. As general utility functions, $ and dc can be declared and set outside Slider (eg. in the global namespace, though Javascript can be coded to expose ONLY ONE symbol to the global namespace and (according to some) should really be coded so to do).

In JavaScript constructor arguments remain active for the life of each instance and most of the code in Slider is written accordingly. Hence this.sliderTagType = .... and this.sliderAttribute = are not necessary and in fact these properties are never accessed. The default values should be applied to sliderTagType and sliderAttribute , not "this." derivitives.

Similarly, the property this.sliderEngine is defined but never accessed, which may be an attempt by somone to fix the code but it certainly doesn't work. The line this.sliderEngine = this; may be safely deleted.

I could go on .....

Main things to remember:

  • Inside functions (including functions used as contructors), variables are global unless localised with var .
  • this , in a contructor, stands for the constructed instance. It is not used to scope variables but rather to designate publicly accessible properties.

Something else you might like to investigate for yourself is a feature of JavaScript called "closure", which causes variables declared within constructors (and their arguments) to remain alive after the function has returned. Such variables are private though the word "private" like "public" and "class" and "extends" do not appear in the language definition as you may well be used to with other OO offerings.

In short the constructor is pretty well messed up, either by its original author or by people who have tried to improve it.

Sorry to pour cold water on it but the code you have found would take quite a lot of fixing.

I strongly suggest that you find a better example of a Javascript accordian. I think Jquery (or Prototype or both) has one built in. These JavaScript libs encourage (maybe even enforce) good coding practise, though they are a bit tricky to get started on.


Thanks for the input.
I agree the code needed help.
This morning I finally arrived at the tripp that was cloaking the solution.
In this case I needed not only the setInterval() to be able to reference the exact Slider instance but also, and of course the event function attached to the xhtml tags.
Heretofore, the event was only receiving a copy of the function within to call.
see the new code in how this was accomplished.
Additionally, the function which set's off the setInterval in a closure, now uses sliderEngine=this; in an appropriate way.


* @author (asis) Codename: Steeve Knight

* constructor function 'Slider'
* @param str eg 'h3'
* @param str eg 'Slider'
* @param int
* @param int
function Slider(sliderTagType, sliderAttribute, timerlen, slideAniLen) {
	var $ = function(id) {return document.getElementById(id);};
	if (sliderTagType) {
		this.sliderTagType = sliderTagType;
	} else {
		this.sliderTagType = 'Slider';
	if (sliderAttribute) {
		this.sliderAttribute = sliderAttribute;
	} else {
		this.sliderAttribute = 'Slider';
	if (timerlen) {
		this.timerlen = timerlen;
	} else {
		this.timerlen = 100;
	if (slideAniLen) {
		this.slideAniLen = slideAniLen;
	} else {
		this.slideAniLen = 1500;
	this.sliderObjs = {};
	this.orighgts = {};
	this.timerID = {};
	this.startTime = {};
	this.endHeight = {};
	this.moving = {};
	this.dir = {};
	this.borderBottom = {};
	this.addEvent = function(element, ev, handler) {
		var doHandler = function(e) {
			return handler(e||window.event);
		if (element.addEventListener) { 
			element.addEventListener(ev, doHandler, false);
		} else if (element.attachEvent) { 
			element.attachEvent("on" + ev, doHandler); 
	this.get_height = function(obj) {
		if (Boolean(this.orighgts[obj.id])) {
			return this.orighgts[obj.id];
		} else if (parseInt(obj.height) > 0) {
			hgt = parseInt(obj.height);
		} else if (Boolean(obj.scrollHeight)){
			hgt = obj.scrollHeight;
		} else if (Boolean(obj.offsetHeight)) {
			hgt = obj.offsetHeight;
		} else {
			hgt = 0; //may be display:none;
		this.orighgts[obj.id] = hgt;
		return hgt;
	this.set_static_height = function(obj) {
		if (Boolean(obj.style.height)) {
			return obj;
		} else {
			hgt = this.get_height(obj);
			obj.style.height = hgt + 'px';
			obj.style.display = 'none';
			return obj;
	this.slidedownevent = function(e) {
		var etarg;
		if (! e) var e = window.event;
		if (e.target) etarg = e.target;
		else if (e.srcElement) etarg = e.srcElement;
		if (etarg.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
			etarg = etarg.parentNode;
		var aS;
		if (aS = etarg.getAttribute(this.sliderAttribute)) {
			var q = "";
			if (Boolean(this.showing) && this.showing == aS) {
			} else {
		} else {
			return false;
	this.slidedown = function(objid){
		* this bit keeps opening object parents from closing if nested and then expands a parents height should its child need opening
		var parent = $(objid).parentNode;
		if (Boolean(this.showing)) {
			if (this.showing != parent.id) {//don't close a parent
				this.moving[this.showing] = true;
				this.dir[this.showing] = "up";
				parent = false;//we need this later
			} else if (this.showing == parent.id) {//expand the parent
				parent.style.height = this.get_height(parent) + this.get_height($(objid)) + 9 + 'px';
		} else {
			parent = false;
		if (this.moving[objid]) {
		if (this.sliderObjs[objid] && this.sliderObjs[objid].style.display != "none") {
			return; // cannot slide down something that is already visible
		this.moving[objid] = true;
		this.dir[objid] = "down";
		if (Boolean(parent)) {//setup to close the parent in case a parent sibling needs closing
			this.showing = parent.id;
		} else {
			this.showing = objid;
	this.slideup = function(objid){
		if (this.moving[objid])
		if (this.sliderObjs[objid].style.display == "none")
			return; // cannot slide up something that is already hidden
		this.moving[objid] = true;
		this.dir[objid] = "up";
		if (this.showing == objid) {
			this.showing = null;
	this.startslide = function(objid) {
		this.endHeight[objid] = parseInt(this.sliderObjs[objid].style.height);
		this.startTime[objid] = (new Date()).getTime();
		if (this.dir[objid] == "down"){
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.height = "1px";
		} else {
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.zIndex -= 50;
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.display = "block";
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.opacity = .5;
		this.borderBottom[objid] = this.sliderObjs[objid].style.borderBottom;
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.borderBottom = '1px dashed #C0C0C0';
		var sliderEngine = this;
		this.timerID[objid] = setInterval(function(){sliderEngine.slidetick(objid)}, this.timerlen);
	this.slidetick = function(objid) {
		var elapsed = (new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime[objid];
		if (elapsed > this.slideAniLen) {
		} else {
			var d =Math.round(elapsed / this.slideAniLen * this.endHeight[objid]);
			if (this.dir[objid] == "up") {
				d = this.endHeight[objid] - d;
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.height = d + "px";
	this.endSlide = function(objid){
		if(this.dir[objid] == "up") {
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.display = "none";
			this.sliderObjs[objid].style.zIndex += 50;
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.height = this.endHeight[objid] + "px";
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.opacity = 1;
		this.sliderObjs[objid].style.borderBottom = this.borderBottom[objid];
		delete this.moving[objid], this.timerID[objid], this.startTime[objid], this.endHeight[objid], this.dir[objid];
	* attach an event to all slider="id" elements, that will 'slide' the assigned "id" containe and close all others
	this.init = function(sliderInst) {
		var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(this.sliderTagType);
		for (i in elems) {
			elem = elems[i];
			if (elem.getAttribute) {
				var elemVal = elem.getAttribute(this.sliderAttribute);
				if (elemVal != null) {
					this.sliderObjs[elemVal] = this.set_static_height($(elemVal));
					this.addEvent(elem, "click", function(e){sliderInst.slidedownevent(e);});

* @usage
var sEL = new Slider('h3', 'SliderL');
var sER = new Slider('h3', 'SliderR');
function start_slider() {
sEL.addEvent(window, "load", start_slider);


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<title>Codename: Steeve Knight :: JavaScript Slider Tester</title>
<style type="text/css">
 h3 {background-color:#CDCDCD;}
 h3:hover {background-color:#BDBDBD;}
<div style="width:90%; margin:auto;">
<h2 style="text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid grey;">Slider Tester</h2>
<div style="width:40%; float:left; padding:1em; margin:0px auto; text-align:justify;">
	<h3 SliderL="L_one">Left One</h3>
	<div id="L_one" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
	<h3 SliderL="L_two">Left Two</h3>
	<div id="L_two" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
	<h3 SliderL="L_three">Left Three</h3>
	<div id="L_three" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
<div style="width:50%; float:left; padding:1em; margin:0px auto; text-align:justify; border-left:1px solid grey;">
	<h3 SliderR="R_one">Right One</h3>
	<div id="R_one" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
	<h3 style="background-color:#CDCDCD; overflow:hidden;" SliderR="R_two">Right Two</h3>
	<div id="R_two" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
	<h3 style="background-color:#CDCDCD; overflow:hidden;" SliderR="R_three">Right Three</h3>
	<div id="R_three" style="display:block; overflow:hidden;">
	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id urna ut nulla dictum ultricies. In sapien dui, pretium eget tempus vulputate, congue vel nulla. Mauris est neque, rhoncus elementum tempus nec, rhoncus ut diam. Integer mi mauris, pharetra sed luctus ac, facilisis vestibulum leo. Mauris id mi vitae enim congue sodales in id nulla. Nunc luctus, dolor ut varius pellentesque, purus augue dictum sapien, sed molestie sapien nisi nec dolor. Suspendisse dictum arcu ut ante dictum id consequat dui suscipit. </p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sliderTester.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--
var sEL = new Slider('h3', 'SliderL');
var sER = new Slider('h3', 'SliderR');
function start_slider() {
sEL.addEvent(window, "load", start_slider);


Thanks again.

Note: above code not tested with parent sliders - out of time.

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