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I have a frameset with 2 vertical rows.
1. The Header (Header.jsp) and
2. The Body (Body.jsp)
The header has all the links and the body is the base target.

The problem that I'm facing is that I need to pass parameters through the URL and since the frameset lies within my Index.html, I can't pass them since Index.html is not the ACTUAL page displayed in the Body frame, it is merely the page showing all the other pages.

I've googled around and found nothing, my question is:
Is it possible to somehow reference a certain frame using a method similar to request.getParameter("frameName", "paramName"); ?

I plan to redirect using the normal Home.jsp?George=true - but that will redirect the content in the body frame. All I need is a way to get those parameters from that frame.


I'm not sure I fully understand but here's what I know:

To hyperlink a page into the "body" frame from the "header":
<a href="myPage.jsp" target="body">xxx</a>

If you need to pass parameters then:
<a href="myPage.jsp?a=1&b=2&c=3" target="body">xxx</a>

Server-side just do whatever is necessary with regard to redirection and usage of the parameters. Whichever page is eventually served, it will end up in the "body" frame.

As far as jsp is concerned it's just a page to be served. The browser looks after where it goes.


Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi Airshow,

Thanks for your response. You explained how to pass parameteres very well. I would also like to know how to getParameter's from a particular frame. i.e. The "Body" frame?


I just hope you aware that use of frames makes your page more difficult to search for search engines and W3C is actually trying to get rid of them with each release of HTML standards they limiting they functionality more and more...


Thanks for your response. You explained how to pass parameteres very well. I would also like to know how to getParameter's from a particular frame. i.e. The "Body" frame?

"getParameter's" could mean a number of things.

What is the nature of the parameters (eg: Javascript valiables; contents of DOM elements; the frame's url querystring)?

What needs to acquire th parameters (eg. another frame's JavaScript; another frame's DOM; a server-side script)?

Also, what event will trigger the transfer of these parameters, and in which frame will the event occur?


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