Hi all,
I'm having some fun with the good old "object expected" error from IE and was hoping you guys could help me out.
I get the error message Object Required : Line 86.
mmm cryptic as there is only 67 lines on that page but after some digging I managed to figureout that this line is the culprit:
subItemNAME = (MenuXML.getElementsByTagName(pageIs)[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
from this function:
function assembleSubMenu()
pageIs = (document.URL);
pageIs = (pageIs.split("/"));
pageIs = (pageIs[4].split("."));
pageIs = (pageIs[0]);
if ((pageIs == "contemporary") || (pageIs == "traditional") || (pageIs == "ultra-modern"))
subLength = (MenuXML.getElementsByTagName(pageIs).length);
if (subLength != 0)
document.getElementById("subMenuBOX").innerHTML = ("");
for ( var i = 0; i <= (subLength - 1); i++ )
subItemNAME = (MenuXML.getElementsByTagName(pageIs)[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
subItemNAME = (subItemNAME.split("$"));
subItemTITLE = (subItemNAME[2]);
subItemHREF = (subItemNAME[1]);
subItemNAME = (subItemNAME[0]);
subItemLEFT = (i * 25);
tempPhrase = (document.getElementById("subMenuBOX").innerHTML);
tempPhrase = (tempPhrase + phraseOne + i + phraseTwo + i + phraseThree + i + phraseFour + subItemHREF + phraseFive + subItemLEFT + phraseSix + subItemHREF + phraseSeven + subItemTITLE + phraseEight + subItemNAME + phraseNine);
document.getElementById("subMenuBOX").innerHTML = (tempPhrase);
what all this does is create a sub-menu bar from the data in a XML file (in a very round about way i know)
works perfectly in FF, Chrome Safari and Opera but IE6 (that bloody thing!) throws all it's toys out of the pram when it gets to it.
any idea why?