Hi, I get this error when I try to access my project which I've just put up on a server - Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DataSet1TableAdapters' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).
The line it's complaining about is the following -
DataSet1TableAdapters.KORISNIK1TableAdapter korisnikAdapter = new DataSet1TableAdapters.KORISNIK1TableAdapter();

When I run this project locally, using localhost on my local machine, it works perfectly fine, but now when I try to access it from the remote server, it doesn't recognise my tableadapter... Do you have any idea what the problem might be ? Here is my code, if it helps. Thanks, greetings.

protected void Login1_LoggingIn(object sender, LoginCancelEventArgs e)
        bool found = false;

        DataSet1TableAdapters.KORISNIK1TableAdapter korisnikAdapter = new DataSet1TableAdapters.KORISNIK1TableAdapter();

        DataSet1.KORISNIK1DataTable korisnikDataTable = korisnikAdapter.GetData();

        foreach (DataSet1.KORISNIK1Row korisnik in korisnikDataTable)
            if (korisnik.K_IME.Equals(Login1.UserName) && korisnik.LOZINKA.Equals(Login1.Password))
                found = true;



        if (found)


Something is wrong with your project. Are you only testing in DEBUG mode and shipping the code in RELEASE? Do you have a separate DataSet project or are they included in the 'executing' assembly? Also did you copy the *.dll's for your site to the bin\ directory when you deployed? You should use the "Publish" option for ASP.NET projects to ensure your assemblies are published properly. Are your assemblies installed in the GAC or accessed locally?

I somehow doubt the DLL is missing but that may be the issue.

You probably want to upload your project for this one

But I'm not working in Visual Studio, but in Web Developer, and this is not an ASP.NET project, but a website, so I do not see .dll files, only .aspx. .asmx (my web service, including .disco etc) and the web.config file. I double-checked it, all of the files are successfully uploaded on the server.

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