I am so confused, I want to add some anti-spam security to my upcoming register page but something is really wrong.
Note that my server is Coldfusion MX7 (i can not afford better) and because of that i can not use

This is what i have:

<cfset strLowerCaseAlpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">
<cfset strUpperCaseAlpha = UCase( strLowerCaseAlpha )>

<cfset strNumbers = "0123456789">
<cfset strAllValidChars = (
    strLowerCaseAlpha &
    strUpperCaseAlpha &
<cfset arrPassword = ArrayNew( 1 )>
<cfset arrPassword[ 1 ] = Mid(
    RandRange( 1, Len( strNumbers ) ),
<cfset arrPassword[ 2 ] = Mid(
    RandRange( 1, Len( strLowerCaseAlpha ) ),
<cfset arrPassword[ 3 ] = Mid(
    RandRange( 1, Len( strUpperCaseAlpha ) ),
    from="#(ArrayLen( arrPassword ) + 1)#"
    <cfset arrPassword[ intChar ] = Mid(
        RandRange( 1, Len( strAllValidChars ) ),
<cfset strPassword = ArrayToList(

<cfif IsDefined("FORM.spamcode")>
    <cfif form.spamcode neq strPassword >
    not equal
   finally working

                 <cfif isdefined ("strPassword")>

<form action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="spamcode" id="spamcode" />

this is just testing code but it is somehow messed up.
every time when i click on the submit button i get not equal!
I also need to add when i set up strPassword manualy instead of ArrayToList, for example
<cfset strPassword=test413> and then insert in form test413 and compare it everything is fine. You can copy/paste this code to test it. Any ideas please?

I am so confused, I want to add some anti-spam security to my upcoming register page but something is really wrong.
Note that my server is Coldfusion MX7 (i can not afford better) and because of that i can not use

This is what i have:

<cfset strLowerCaseAlpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">
<cfset strUpperCaseAlpha = UCase( strLowerCaseAlpha )>

<cfset strNumbers = "0123456789">
<cfset strAllValidChars = (
    strLowerCaseAlpha &
    strUpperCaseAlpha &
<cfset arrPassword = ArrayNew( 1 )>
<cfset arrPassword[ 1 ] = Mid(
    RandRange( 1, Len( strNumbers ) ),
<cfset arrPassword[ 2 ] = Mid(
    RandRange( 1, Len( strLowerCaseAlpha ) ),
<cfset arrPassword[ 3 ] = Mid(
    RandRange( 1, Len( strUpperCaseAlpha ) ),
    from="#(ArrayLen( arrPassword ) + 1)#"
    <cfset arrPassword[ intChar ] = Mid(
        RandRange( 1, Len( strAllValidChars ) ),
<cfset strPassword = ArrayToList(

<cfif IsDefined("FORM.spamcode")>
    <cfif form.spamcode neq strPassword >
    not equal
   finally working

                 <cfif isdefined ("strPassword")>

<form action="" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="spamcode" id="spamcode" />

this is just testing code but it is somehow messed up.
every time when i click on the submit button i get not equal!
I also need to add when i set up strPassword manualy instead of ArrayToList, for example
<cfset strPassword=test413> and then insert in form test413 and compare it everything is fine. You can copy/paste this code to test it. Any ideas please?

I have only had a few minutes to look at the code and the problem I see is that the value in your text field is being compared with the NEW spamcode; not the one that is generated for the page that you entered the text value on.
Try the code below and you will see what I am saying:

<cfif IsDefined("FORM.spamcode")>
    We are comparing <cfoutput>#form.spamcode# with #strPassword# which happens to be the NEW spamcode</cfoutput><br />
    <cfif form.spamcode neq strPassword >
    not equal
   finally working

In your form declare a hidden type input and set it to 'strPassword' <input type="hidden" name="OldCode" value="<cfoutput>#strPassword#</cfoutput>" /> and then change the comparison <cfif> to <cfif Compare(FORM.spamcode, FORM.OldCode)> Keep in mind though - Hidden type fields are visible when you do a 'View Source' on the page. Therefore sensitive data should not be passed through them.

similar idea came to me. i figured out it has something to do with page
refresh. It's perfectly clear now, you explained it well in your first post.
Problem is i still can not make it work. I tried several things with cfifs and cfaborts and somehow, for some reason i didn't succeed. I will keep trying.

i already tried Compare and same! also your code from second post doesn't seem to be working as it supose to. problem still persist.

I found a solution for my problem! If you need code please let me know i will post it here.

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