Hi there folks!

I´m pretty blind regarding Callback Url. I only know that someone will dump in information that i want to see. Thats it.

I have this to fill out:


And this has an explanation: (Full Version PDF here)


I think the XML GET callback URl is the easiest way to read.
The website of the Callback URL is: http://www.pcsilva.eu/

How to do this? Very very thanks!

I´m pretty blind regarding Callback Url. I only know that someone will dump in information that i want to see. Thats it.

That's a very brief description of what you want and more detail of your goal will be needed. I do know however if you use the http post or http get options you can retrieve the data from the submitted page via $_GET or $_POST arrays.

Problem Solved!

Here is the solution:


    // Declare variables for url string
    $url = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

	$api_id = $_GET['api_id'];
	$apiMsgId = $_GET['apiMsgId'];
	$cliMsgId = $_GET['cliMsgId'];
	$timestamp = $_GET['timestamp'];
	$to = $_GET['to'];
	$from = $_GET['from'];
	$status = $_GET['status'];
	$charge = $_GET['charge'];

	$con = mysql_connect("xxxxxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxxxxx");
	if (!$con)
	  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
	mysql_select_db("xxxxxxxxxxxx", $con);
	$sql = "
		INSERT INTO `xxxxxxxxxxxx`.`Status` (
		`ID` ,
		`api_id` ,
		`apiMsgId` ,
		`cliMsgId` ,
		`Timestamp` ,
		`to` ,
		`from` ,
		`charge` ,
		NULL , '$api_id', '$apiMsgId', '$cliMsgId', '$timestamp', '$to', '$from', '$charge', '$status'
	$result = mysql_query($sql, $con) or die(mysql_error());
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