In an Application (windows or web)

can i write code to store the song into MS Access database .

Please Help

I believe storing an MP3 file in a database as a blob would be similar to storing an image file in a database. Neither would I recommend unless you are worried about someone finding the directory and downloading them. Usually it is best practice to store the path to the file in the database and then upload all the files to a directory.

If you have the means, most hosts offer a SQL Server database for 5 or 10 bucks a month. Much better than using Access.

my friend you are really cool just like u r ID..

but its a bad idea storing binary data in the database..

yes it is possible....but it will slow down u r application heavily..

so use u r mp3 wisely....

commented: You're an idiot. There is nothing else that can be said. -2
commented: moron vs idiot i dont remember the precedence -1
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