header("Content-type: image/png");

$img_handle = imageCreateFromPNG("bg2.PNG");

$q = rand(1,255);
$w = rand(1,255);
$e = rand(1,255);
$r = rand(1,255);
$t = rand(1,255);
$y = rand(1,255);
$u = rand(1,255);
$i = rand(1,255);
$color[0] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, $q, 0, 100); 
$color[1] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 200, 0, 0);
$color[2] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 0, $w, 100);
$color[3] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 200, 0, 0);
$color[4] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 0, $e, 100);
$color[5] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 200, 0, 0);
$color[6] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 0, $r, $y);
$color[7] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 0, $t, 100);
$color[8] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 200, 0, 0);
$color[9] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, $u, $y, 100);
$color[10] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 200, 0, 0);
$color[11] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 0, $u, 100);
$color[12] = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 0, $i, 100);
    ImageString($img_handle, 5, $x, 13, $characters[$i], $color[$j]);
$img_handle = $_SESSION['img'];

okay guys above is my code. I would like to know if there is any way to write out the image created into a .png file in my root folder?. The image is generated fine but i cant seem to find a .png file anywhere. Any thoughts?.


hmm i dont understand do u have an example?

btw. is there any way to embed it into an e-mail without having to write out the image?


imagepng($img_handle, './bg2.png');

thanks for that. okay ive replace my code with that line. but now heres the problem. the image file is created. but whenever i refresh the page a new set of numbers combines with the old numbers. i would like my code to maybe create a new image each time.
Is there any way?


create a filename based on the date and time

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