I'm wanting to create a cruising/dating site in php and mySQL.

The options I need in the site is for users to be able to login, create their own profile with photos.

I need the search script to be able to search for the usual dating site options and for the user to be able to narrow it down to the members preference ie:top, bottom, versatile. race, body type, places they like to hang out ie: park, truck stop, washrooms....

Could I put together code sample to make this? How would I integrate them? I was thinking of using something like this for the login http://www.phpeasystep.com/workshopview.php?id=6
but then I would need to know how to add other scripts to all work as one.

I want to create something similar to

Member Avatar for diafol

RU extracting the urine ScottHam (or worse?! I shudder to think). Go ahead do it then.

I can't see what you want to get from members here? You won't find anyone to create the site for you (I don't think). You'll need to learn to code in php with mysql and possibly javascript/ajax. Until you do that you'll struggle with integrating scripts into an off-the-shelf solution.

RU extracting the urine ScottHam (or worse?! I shudder to think). Go ahead do it then.

I can't see what you want to get from members here? You won't find anyone to create the site for you (I don't think). You'll need to learn to code in php with mysql and possibly javascript/ajax. Until you do that you'll struggle with integrating scripts into an off-the-shelf solution.

I was thinking someone could show me how to make small simple scripts work together using the same mySQL database. Like a 4 php page login script working with a 5 page member sortable table snippet script and so on....

Member Avatar for diafol

Unless you've got some specific examples or scripts in mind, it'll be difficult to help you.

I have to be honest, if you're building a cruising/sex site, whether it is straight/gay, I for one, wouldn't feel comfortable in helping you.

Alright, let's just keep it at "dating site" before this exceeds the bounds. Any other specifics are not necessary to the discussion.

I have not yet reviewed the example link that you posted above because I am uncertain of it's "safe for work" status. If I find that it contains anything inappropriate for posting here then I will be killing this entire thread.

Edit: Ok, the link is not acceptable for posting as an example so I have removed it, however I will leave the thread open if you can keep the discussion oriented around the generic topic of
"dating site" or other such generic social meeting site.

Alright, let's just keep it at "dating site" before this exceeds the bounds. Any other specifics are not necessary to the discussion.

I have not yet reviewed the example link that you posted above because I am uncertain of it's "safe for work" status. If I find that it contains anything inappropriate for posting here then I will be killing this entire thread.

Edit: Ok, the link is not acceptable for posting as an example so I have removed it, however I will leave the thread open if you can keep the discussion oriented around the generic topic of
"dating site" or other such generic social meeting site.

Ok sounds good. Anyways this dating site needs alot of options for the user to specify their hobbys etc... then the search needs to find those hobbys in a results page full of peoples profiles with avatars.

Is this as simple as adding more tables to the mysql database and more forms on the site to submit data? Sorry but Im a total noob at php and myql and was hoping to put a few code snippets from different peoples websites together to create this.

Like this for login http://www.evolt.org/article/PHP_Login_System_with_Admin_Features/17/60384/index.html


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