I am an intermediate web designer and am working on my first backend page. I have a working editor and just need to add the ability to insert photos into the editor. I have dynamically displayed the images in a modal popup window and just need to add a click event to the imagebuttons... but, I keep getting build errors - it wants a method or my code is incorrect. All of the examples I have found aren't working.
My code is below... any help would be appreciated!:)
public void PopulateImages(DataSet ids)
//Populates dataset to table
DataTable dt = ids.Tables[0];
DataRow dr;
Table tbl = new Table();
TableRow tRow = new TableRow();
TableCell tCell = new TableCell();
int cntRow = dt.Rows.Count;
int i;
for (i=0; i <= cntRow-1; i++)
dr = dt.Rows[i];
// Adds row for every 2 images
if (i % 2 == 0)
//Create Imagebutton
ImageButton myButton = new ImageButton();
string myFileName = dr["FileName"].ToString();
string myFileDescription = dr["PhotoDescription"].ToString();
myButton.ImageUrl = "~/PhotosSm/" + myFileName;
myButton.AlternateText = "~/PhotosSm/" + dr["FileName"].ToString();
myButton.Width = 150;
// myButton.Click += <%# ImageInsert_Click(myFileName,myFileDescription)%>;
// myButton.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ImageInsert_Click(myFileName,myFileDescription));
// myButton.Click += new EventHandler(ImageInsert_Click(myFileName, myFileDescription));
// myButton.OnClientClick = <%= ImageInsert_Click(myFileName,myFileDescription)%>;
//Create matching text
Label myLabel = new Label();
myLabel.Text = myFileDescription;
//Put table in panel
protected void ImageInsert_Click(string MyFileName, string myFileDescription)
string imgText = string.Format("<img src='{0}' alt='{1}'>",
MyFileName, myFileDescription);
Editor1.Content = imgText + Editor1.Content;