sham 0 Light Poster


I am new to HTML/ASP and web development.

I developed single web page(asp) having scrolling news like action. It works fine for most of the characters. But few characters get hidden.
I am not getting how to display these characters, I tried using character code no instead of character, still it does not show.
For e.g. There is a glyph/character on code no. 173(soft hyphen) which has character "h" in Devnagari script. This character is invisible.

I am using LangscapeDevPooja font developed by Akruti Freedom company.

I am using Web browser IE 6.0 also tried on FireFox 1.0.2.

IE 6.0 shows some spaces in between characters, but firefox shows OK.
But many characters go missing in FireFox as compared to IE 6.0.
OS : Win98SE
I will be using this on a local machine, so not worried for a generic solution. Only thing if it works fine on my machine, my problem will be solved.

I am stuck what to do ?

The font developer company claims to have developed sites using these fonts but the URL's are no more working.

Waiting for any help/guidance.


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