
i was woundering if somone could point me in the right direction.
Im making a CMS/socialnetworking script for fun and want to change how the url gets the data for profiles.

at the moment its using the tradition $_GET thing from the broswer url, but id like to try and get it to do www.mysite.com/123
(123 being the userid/username) similar to facebook and myspace.

however i have no idea what this parameter passing is called. Or even if it is parameter passing?

any ideas?

thanks it advance =)

URL Rewriting is what you want.

Your PHP script can stay the same, it can still get passed the Query String, all rewriting does is change how the user sees the URL in this case.

A Google of URL Rewrite will give you a multitude of guides :)

look for .htaccess on apache

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