Hopefully someone can help me.
I am trying to update fields in a mysql database using ruby with dbi, but no matter what I try, i just cannot update the row.
I am able to search it, but never update.
I search for the right string, then open a file, search for that string and then update the mysql row. but the update part will not work.
here is the code:
require 'dbi'
require 'mysql'
# quit unless our script gets two command line arguments
unless ARGV.length == 1
puts "Wrong number of arguments\n"
puts "Usage: ruby mysql-test*.rb csv_file\n"
dbh = DBI.connect('DBI:Mysql:testlink', 'user', 'passwd')
query = dbh.prepare("SELECT field_id, node_id, value FROM cfield_design_values ORDER BY node_id;")
while row = query.fetch() do
printf "field_id = %d, node_id = %d, value = %s \n", row[0], row[1], row[2]
if ( row[0] == 7 )
puts "we have a match"
if row[2].empty?
puts "Nothing to parse"
puts "Something to parse"
# Set up an empty array
databaseArray = []
# Split the web address in the database into the array
databaseArray = row[2].split("/")
# Check the end value
$databaseSplit = databaseArray.last
puts "value of the last element of the array = #$databaseSplit"
if $databaseSplit.include?("DispForm")
puts "Disp form found"
# set up an array for the string
$fileArray = []
$fileHTTParray = []
# open the file for reading
puts "opening the file"
# Create a bool for breaking when a match is found
$matchFound = false
File.open(ARGV[0], "r") do |file|
while line = file.gets
# Break from the loop when a match is found
break(line) if $matchFound == true
#puts "matchFound in the first part of the loop is #$matchFound"
# Split the line of the file into an array
$fileArray = line.split(",")
# Put into a new variable
fileSplit = $fileArray[2]
# Split it into another array
$fileHTTParray = fileSplit.split("/")
# put into a variable for comparison
$fileCompare = $fileHTTParray.last
# Compare with the value from database
#puts "#$databaseSplit, #$fileCompare"
if ( $databaseSplit == $fileCompare)
puts "WE HAVE A MATCH !!!! \n"
printf "row[2] = %s\n", row[2]
puts "filearray[4] = #$fileArray[4]\n"
row[2] = $fileArray[4]
printf "row[2] = %s\n", row[2]
printf "row[0] = %d\n", row[0]
printf "row[1] = %d\n", row[1]
$field_id = row[0]
$node_id = row[1]
$value = row[2]
# Change the value contained in the field node
dbh.do("UPDATE cfield_design_values SET value=? WHERE field_id=? && node_id=?", $value, $field_node, $node_id)
$matchFound = true
#puts "They do not match"
$matchFound = false
puts "Filename found"