-customer number
-name (lastname, firstname, middlename)
-date of reservation(provided by system date)

-item code(auto-number)
-item description

A customer number is generated by the first letters of the first name, middle name and last name of the customer with the date & time (hh:mm:ss) of the reservation.

2. A module that accepts a customer number, list of items to be purchased(multiple reservations of item must be entered repeatedly), expected date the items will be paid and type of payment (CASH or CREDIT).
All reservations ae good for 5 days only. Customers may avail discounts based on the following condition.

-2 days or less: 15%
-5 days or less: 12%
-beyond 5 days: Surcharge of 5%

-2 days or less: 10%
-5 days or less: 8%
-beyond 5 days: Surcharge of 8%

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YAH....I TRY MY BEST BUT ITS NOT ENOUGH...i need some help to do this....my code didn't work....

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