I have a code that I call from Button_click event.
The code adds a new row to the table and attempts
to add onclick element to every td element in the new row.
Somehow, onclick does not work.
Any help is appreciated.
Here is the code:

function insRow()
var x = document.getElementById('Table1').insertRow(1);
var td = document.createElement('td');
td.innerHTML = 'NewItem';
td.setAttribute('onclick', 'alert("blabla")');

your code works in firefox. so i'd say it pretty close to working in IE. the only change i had to make was in regards to the table row index.. but i presume you already have a row in your table.

your code works in firefox. so i'd say it pretty close to working in IE. the only change i had to make was in regards to the table row index.. but i presume you already have a row in your table.

The first line of my code adds a new row to the table.
I don't know what is wrong with the code, it just doesn't work...

i changed insertRow(1); to insertRow(0); and it added the row in firefox. (1 is the second index of a table row).

when i added it, it worked in firefox on linux... so your not far off.

Did you check if the cells in the new row have onclick event associated with them, that what my problem is, not that the row didn't appear. Thanks for your help, anyway.

yeah, thats what i'm saying.. it worked in mozilla.. you can get the windows jscript debugger.. i find it a hunk of $h!t so i use firefox and the venkman debugger...

but if you place the javascript keyword debugger in your code, and use the ms debugger it works ok.

and everything works in moz. :)

td.attachEvent('onclick', 'alert("blabla")');

the function attachEvent is IE specific, so if this code still doesn't work, this is a possible solution for IE browsers. And could be used as follows:

if( td.attachEvent ){
   td.attachEvent('onclick', 'alert("blabla")');
} else {
   td.setAttribute('onclick', 'alert("blabla")'); 

actually, i think you hand in a handle to the function (not a string) and I don't think you can hand in parameters into the function. Thus, check this out to help understand how you can still pass in parameters to an onclick.

function myOnclick() {
sendingObj = event.srcElement;
alert (sendingObj.myProperty);

img.myProperty = "blahblah";
img.attachEvent("onclick", myOnclick); //notice, no brackets... no parametes, no quotes

here is what works for me both on mozilla and ie

object.onchange = function() {nameOfYourFunction(parameter1, parameter2, etc)} ;

actually, i think you hand in a handle to the function (not a string) and I don't think you can hand in parameters into the function. Thus, check this out to help understand how you can still pass in parameters to an onclick.

function myOnclick() {
sendingObj = event.srcElement;
alert (sendingObj.myProperty);

img.myProperty = "blahblah";
img.attachEvent("onclick", myOnclick); //notice, no brackets... no parametes, no quotes

This is correct but you can always use an annonymous function like :

img.attachEvent("onclick", function () {alert('More then one way to skin a cat')});

Hi, using the following works well in both IE and FF.

myInput.onclick=new Function("SortColumn(this)");

Yes, the last one worked great. Thank you talen.

I liked it " talen " . Thank you for your sharing :)

THANK YOU talen!!! This was making me nuts. Your solution worked perfectly for the onclick event I was trying to add through JavaScript with no success...

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