Hi my friends , I was working on a web page and want to send users comment to the website owner .I use wamp server .... Here is the php code



if($_POST['form1'].submit)// to check wheter the form has been sent or not
 //echo 'thank you' ;
    if(mail($to,$title,$body,'From:'.' '.$from))
    echo '<h1 class="pageName" >Thank you!
<p>Email sent. We will contact you as soon as possible
 </p><p><br /></p>';
     echo '<h1 class="pageName">Email not sent!
    <p class="bodyText">Either the email you sent doesnt exist or 
     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you didnt fill the fields appropriately<p><br />          </p>';


peoples told me to make a correction to the php_ini() file ... and i did that too ... just changing the smtp to our ISP the port is still 25 ... but I didnt get anything new ... can any body help me please

Instead of this:


Try this:


Replace 'submit_button_id' with the ID of the submit button.

Instead of this:


Try this:


Replace 'submit_button_id' with the ID of the submit button.[/QUOTE]

I used



  1. the button is not type submit but it is rater normal button
  2. I do this because I want validate the values of the text areas and other using javascript function.But in the javascript function.. if all things go well i called form1.sbumit value.

I think that is not the problem .... but something around the smtp server

can you help me with that

PHP does not reference objects in that way.
$_POST is an array of the objects in the form (Inputs, Buttons, Selects etc..)
$_POST does not reference the form itself, so unless you have a field with the id form1, it will return a null value.

As above, use the ID of the button that is clicked in this statement:

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