Hi All,

I am new to this Coldfusion and i am creating a FAQ page.
My Database is MS ACCESS. It is working but with some code error as i am displaying 5 FAQ on first page then next 5 FAQ on the other page and so on. The PROBLEM i am having is lets say my Database has 18 faqs.
it would display
page 1 --- 5 FAQ
page 2 --- 5 FAQ
page 3 --- 5 FAQ
PAGE 4 --- DOESNT SHOW ANY FAQ so the remaining 3 are not retrieved from the database.

I will be very thankful if you guys can please help me with this issue.

Below is the code :

<title>Frequently Asked Questions</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="FAQStylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


<img src="RMA.JPG" width="960" height="63">
<form action="search.cfm" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="Search" value="Search FAQ"> 

<cfquery name="getfaq" datasource="faqdatabase">
Select *
from qa
order by qarefno desc

<cfparam name="URL.PageIndex" default="0">
<cfset Recordsperpage=5 >
<cfset totalpages=(getfaq.recordcount/recordsperpage)-1>
<cfset startrow=(URL.pageindex*recordsperpage)+1>
<cfset endrow=(startrow+recordsperpage)-1> 

 <cfloop query="getfaq" >
 <cfif currentrow gte startrow> 

<Strong>Qusetion#getfaq.qarefno# :
<Strong>Answer:</Strong>  <h4>#getfaq.fanswer#</h4>

<cfif currentrow eq endrow>
Select Page</strong>
<cfloop index="pages" from="0" to="#totalpages#">
<cfset displaypgno=pages+1>
<cfif URL.pageindex eq pages>

<a href="?pageindex=#pages#">#displaypgno#</a>



Pls help!

Hope this helps


<title>Frequently Asked Questions</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="FAQStylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


<img src="RMA.JPG" width="960" height="63">
<form action="search.cfm" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="Search" value="Search FAQ">
<cfquery name="getfaq" datasource="#application.dsn#">
Select *
from games
order by game desc

<cfparam name="URL.PageIndex" default="0">

<cfif IsDefined("Getfaq.RecordCount")>
		<cfif NOT IsDefined("FORM.CurrentPage")>
			<cfset variables.CurrentPage = 1>
			<cfset variables.CurrentPage = FORM.CurrentPage>
		<!--- Calculate the total number of pages. --->
		variables.ItemsPerPage = 5;
		if (Getfaq.RecordCount LT variables.ItemsPerPage)
			variables.TotalPages = 1;
			variables.TotalPages = NumberFormat(GetFaq.RecordCount / variables.ItemsPerPage, 9999);
		<!--- Since the rounding up doesn't work, if there are items left over for an extra page, add it here. --->
		<cfif Getfaq.RecordCount - (variables.TotalPages * 100) GT 0>
			<cfset variables.TotalPages = variables.TotalPages + 1>
		<!--- Check to make sure the user doesn't try to go beyond the Total number of pages. --->
		<cfif variables.CurrentPage GT variables.TotalPages>
			<cfset variables.CurrentPage = variables.TotalPages>
		<!--- Calculate the Start and End points for the Items Query. --->	
		variables.Start = (variables.CurrentPage * variables.ItemsPerPage) - 4;
		variables.End = (variables.CurrentPage * variables.ItemsPerPage);
		<cfif IsDefined("Getfaq.RecordCount")>
		<script language="JavaScript">
		function validateform_gotobreadcrumb (f) {
		if (f.CurrentPage.value == "") {
			alert("Please enter a page number before clicking the GO button.");
			return false;
			return true;
		function GoToPageN() {
			if (validateform_gotobreadcrumb(document.viewPage)) document.viewPage.submit();
		function SortList(sortorder) {
			document.viewPage.SortOrder.value = sortorder;
			document.viewPage.CurrentPage.value = 1;
			if (validateform_gotobreadcrumb(document.viewPage)) document.viewPage.submit();
		<cfif variables.TotalPages GT 1>
				<strong><cfoutput>#Getfaq.RecordCount#</cfoutput> total items found.</strong><br><br>
				<form action="test.cfm" method="post" name="viewPage">
				View Page: <select name="CurrentPage"><cfloop from="1" to="#variables.TotalPages#" index="i"><cfoutput><option value="#i#"<cfif variables.CurrentPage IS i> selected</cfif>>#i#</option></cfoutput></cfloop></select> <strong>of <cfoutput>#variables.TotalPages#</cfoutput></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="Button" value="Go" onclick="GoToPageN();">



<cfloop query="getfaq"  startrow="#variables.Start#" endrow="#variables.End#">

<Strong>Qusetion#getfaq.game# :


<Strong>Answer:</Strong> <h4>#getfaq.home_team#</h4>




<cfif start eq end>









freshfitz: thank you very much it works great..thanks once again.

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