Hi Everyone, i am really new at this and slowly getting started, to fast track my website i purchased a web template in flash with a php email script.
I have tried searching the web for a solution but i am not up o scratch with any code that makes sense to me. My problem i was given a very short script in php which functions from within the flash template, i cant change the inner (minimal) workings but i need to add extra code to strip slashes, connect and send through my windows hosting and any other security tips any one can help with.
I hope some one can help as i truly have no idea. I am not sure what i need to do and where to do it, anyway the code is pasted below, hope you can help.
$to = "email@domain.com";
$msg = "$name\n\n";
$msg .= "$message\n\n";
mail($to, $msg, "From: My web site\nReply-To: $email\n");