I was stuffing around and I was wondering if it was at all possible to make a function or method, dynamic at all? In what context? well I would like not to have the specify the elements required by the function so at any given day it can be more or less. Confused? so am I! HA


public function dynamic($x0, $x1, $x2, $x3, etc) {
 // blah blah blah

so those $x, one, two, three, etc can be used without them actually being defined maybe i want to use $x0-100. This at all possible or some ideas how we could make it possible?

Thanks, Regards X

I was stuffing around and I was wondering if it was at all possible to make a function or method, dynamic at all? In what context? well I would like not to have the specify the elements required by the function so at any given day it can be more or less. Confused? so am I! HA


public function dynamic($x0, $x1, $x2, $x3, etc) {
 // blah blah blah

so those $x, one, two, three, etc can be used without them actually being defined maybe i want to use $x0-100. This at all possible or some ideas how we could make it possible?

Thanks, Regards X

Are you talking about having inputs of a function that may not be used but could be?


   function doStuff($a='not set', $b='not set', $c='not set') {
      echo $a. "<br />";
      echo $b. "<br />";
      echo $c. "<br />";

doStuff('a', 'b'); 
//will out put:
//not set

by assigning null to all of the variables in the function, if a value is not passed into the function when called it will automaticly assign null to it and will not give you an error.

Look up func_get_args().

commented: Thanks for the direction! +2

I was stuffing around and I was wondering if it was at all possible to make a function or method, dynamic at all? In what context? well I would like not to have the specify the elements required by the function so at any given day it can be more or less. Confused? so am I! HA


public function dynamic($x0, $x1, $x2, $x3, etc) {
 // blah blah blah

so those $x, one, two, three, etc can be used without them actually being defined maybe i want to use $x0-100. This at all possible or some ideas how we could make it possible?

Thanks, Regards X

public function dynamic()
$num_args = func_num_args();
echo "2nd argument=>".func_get_arg(1);
$args_list = func_get_args();
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_args; $i++) {
        echo "Argument $i is: " . $args_list[$i] . "<br />\n";

//call to function using 2 params
//call to function using 4 params
commented: Thanks for the help! +2
//you used any of the function shown below according to your requirement i am concatinating function parameters and exploding in the function the use them

function dynamicFun($val)
	foreach($arr as $key=>$value)
		print $value."<br>";

	print dynamicFun($i);
		print dynamicFun($k);

print "<br>*****************************************************<br>";

function dyna($a=1,$b=2,$c=3)
	print $a."--".$b."--".$c."<br>";


ok lets say if i have a method which I declare no arguments in but then I call that method using a list of arguments, i would have to run "func_get_args()" first to retrieve those arguments, then use those arguments in that code. correct?

This way I get a dynamic function (not setting the arguments) before use being able to add them as a I please weither it be 1 or 100 arguments. correct?

Thanks, Regards X

ok lets say if i have a method which I declare no arguments in but then I call that method using a list of arguments, i would have to run "func_get_args()" first to retrieve those arguments, then use those arguments in that code. correct?

This way I get a dynamic function (not setting the arguments) before use being able to add them as a I please weither it be 1 or 100 arguments. correct?

Thanks, Regards X

yes, sure this way .
apart from this there are lot many other functions to help the task -
function_get_arg(), func_num_args()

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