The name of this question is
Hello and Thank you in advance for any assistance.

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The Purpose of this post is:

My first successful JSF app. If someone wants to check it out.
Found at:

The functionality of this code is:

program(jsf app from tutorial ejb) GuessNumber . simple random number guess.

My question is:

If anyone has a good example for JSF and databases I’d like to see it. thanks

The errors related to this code are:

Thanks again.


Google provides loads of links to examples online.
Try this one here

That looks good. here is another one if you are interested

Keep in mind that is another addition of technology and as you just started with JSF I would learn first one and then other.

i have used it, but it has been a while, Oracle 10G works just like any other database, it also has a console where you can do all the data admin stuff.

what is the use....

what is the use....

sorry I don't understand your question.

well it's ben 20 min using eclipse and I've decided now it's time to come back to netbeans.

the oracle database thing looks cool but I have db's in MySQL and I can't figure out how to run the script to build it in oracle.

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