
My apologies if this is the wrong section.

I wanted to know is it possible to set up .htaccess so that when user is promted for username and password, username is already input.


just password is needed in order to proceed ?


An .htaccess file is designed to instruct apache what to do with certain requests. It is not for coding login forms etc.

I understand that , but I really need just one small part of site protected . And .htaccess can do that

Thanks, I think I can survive that :) Thanks for the link, but I have already set up .htaccess, neat little thing :)

I have one problem though, when popup shows, there is a problem with some characters, seems like browser can't display letters like:
ā and ē etc correctly.

I'm using this in .htaccess:

AuthName "Lai iegūtu paroli, reģistrējies mājas lapā!"

But it doesn't display as it should.

Username and password part works .

I've seen several threads on the topic. Apparently it's not easily solved.

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