
I am sending emails through webservices, I am calling the webservice from my website and passing all the arguments to it ,until now no problem.

But now I want the webservice to inform the user if an error or exception occurs is there a way by which I can do so?
Any help shall be appreciated!


Catch and display the error .. or mail it ..

Catch and display the error .. or mail it ..

Hi Vasanth,
I don't want to report the error by sending him a mail. Can You please provide some sample code?


Please mention how the error is to be displayed. Web form or any other ?
My requirement was to display the error in webform as below :

public partial class www_sendmail : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string param = ""+Request.QueryString["param"];
	    if (param == "BIRTHDAY")
                string fpath = Server.MapPath("");
                Wishes wish = new Wishes();
                string strStatus = wish.sendMail(fpath);
                lblRemarks.Text = strStatus;
        catch (Exception ex)
            // your error by mail or text
            // wish.sendMail("....");
            lblRemarks.Text = ex.ToString();
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