hello. I have a drop down menu that pulls from a mysql database. I know its connecting fine and there is actual items in the drop down menu because I echoed them.

However when I look at my drop down box, you cannot see the options! I know the items are there but its simply not visible. HOw can I alter my code so that its visible.


$sql="SELECT title FROM Election";
$result= mysql_query($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$title\">";



<SELECT NAME="title" style="font-size:11pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#080000">
<OPTION VALUE="0" style="font-size:11pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#080000">View an election


hello. I have a drop down menu that pulls from a mysql database. I know its connecting fine and there is actual items in the drop down menu because I echoed them.

However when I look at my drop down box, you cannot see the options! I know the items are there but its simply not visible. HOw can I alter my code so that its visible.


$sql="SELECT title FROM Election";
$result= mysql_query($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$title\">";



<SELECT NAME="title" style="font-size:11pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#080000">
<OPTION VALUE="0" style="font-size:11pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#080000">View an election


try this:

$sql="SELECT title FROM Election";
$result= mysql_query($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$title\">$title</OPTION>";



<SELECT NAME="title" style="font-size:11pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#080000">
<OPTION VALUE="0" style="font-size:11pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#080000">View an election

echo $options;

hope it helps... cheers!!

I have just done something similar. The above looks good to me, but if it doesn't work then I'll post my code up too


I have just done something similar. The above looks good to me, but if it doesn't work then I'll post my code up too


Yeah i should have tested it b4 posting here.. :P
newayz its pretty simple n shud work..:idea:

hope it helps... cheers!!

OMG. thank you very much! It works! This helped a lot. something so minor like this was giving me a headache. lol thanks again!


OMG. thank you very much! It works! This helped a lot. something so minor like this was giving me a headache. lol thanks again!

well if ur problem is solved then i suggest u mark the thread as solved..
Glad i could help..

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