Hello there!
This is my firts post, and I'm happy of finding a site like this.
I have a little trouble with .net. I'm programming a site (i mean webforms) and something very weird happens.
If I have two webforms, both of them connects to a DB and they use the info from that DB to fill some combos and listboxes...
Imagine that I have a webform to register clients and another one to register client's type.
So, if a get to client's type and register, there's a listbox on the top of the webform that has to be reloaded. I can do a trick there and clear the listbox and make a sql statement to fill it again with the new info.
In fact, the Page_load procedure does the same thing when the webform starts. (I mean fills the listbox with the info registered already)
The problem comes when I use the other webform, I do something and return the webform I was using before. The info in the listbox is OLD. I tried to debbug there and... what was my surprisse???? The webform skips the Page_Load procedure!!! (At least if I don't type the F5 key to reload)
I REALLY NEED THAT THIS THING DOESN'T HAPPEN... because the users that are going to use this, don't know F5 key.
I friend said that I must enable the sesion state and the view state for this...
What do you suggest... I REALLY NEED HELP