is there any command or ajax that Javascript is checked repeatedly to one or two variables without any command and without reloading the page...???

following example:


<!--- This section is repeated or changes automatically if the data is changed -->
My ID: 100
MyPhone: 123456
<!-- End -->

<!-- This section does not change data -->
<img src=image.jpg>
<!-- done -->

</ body>
</ html>

thanks before


is there any command or ajax that Javascript is checked repeatedly to one or two variables without any command and without reloading the page...???

Simple answer is yes, but only if I understand the question correctly.

This section is repeated or changes automatically if the data is changed

The key lies is understanding - what data and how is is changed?

Once that is defined, then it should be fairly simple (client-side) to knock together some javascript to make an AJAX call and to handle the response. You will also need to address the server-side code (eg. php with a back-end database) but the extent of this depends on how your ids/phone numbers are stored.


setInterval() Method.

The setInterval() method calls a function / evaluates an expression at specified intervals (in milliseconds).

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