All, I am currently trying to implement Global Exception handling in a website and ASP.Net is throwing a File Not Found exception all the time. I did some search in this regard and the issue is still not solved. I kindly request some one to guide me in solving this issue. Thanks in advance.
This is what I have
* "File does not Exist" exception is being caught in the Application_Error() after the Page_Load event of the HomePage is completed.
* Looking at the "((HttpApplication)sender).Context.Request" Object in the watch window, the Path property has a value "/homepage/[Object]" and I think that somwhere in the javascript, a request to [Object] is being made.
* I do not request for such a file programatically
* Is there any way I can track the file requests sent from IE8? Any tools that tracks all the requests being sent out?
* I am using DOJO toolkit in my webpage.