Want to click on an image from a list and simply set that filename in a field in a mysql database. I read the tutorials and have tried several different ways to pass the variable on the url and then update with a second php page.
Hi my second question here in 2 months last answers I really appreciated.
I am reading through a simple table with 1 field. Crest (its a filename). I am generating a list of the pictures and when the user clicks on his or her crest I want it to simply update into a field called Crest in a user main profile.
It really doesnt like me generating hrefs inside the while loop apparently but I dont see a way to do it more efficiently. I have 2 php pages 1 called selectcrest and the other called updatecrest.
The code for selectcrest so far if I try anythign else in the href trying to get a link off the image I get an error... Perhaps I should be using javascript to do this? or can I efficiently do it the way I am thinking. Sorry this is probably another simple one like my last question but I have beat my head against the walls for 2 days now not seeing it:
echo "<tr>";
$result = $db->query("SELECT Crest FROM Crests ORDER BY Crest ");
$rowcount = -2;
while($images = $db->fetch($result)){
$crestdisplay = $images['Crest'];
$rowcount = $rowcount + 1;
if($rowcount >10){echo"<TR></TR>"; $rowcount = 0;}
echo "<a href=\"$crestdisplay\">";
echo "<td><image src=/images/$crestdisplay border=\"0\"width=50 height=50 alt="."></a> </td>";
echo "</tr>";
The php I intend to update the field once the link works is:
$NewCrest = $_GET['Crest'];
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center">
<td colspan="2" class="bodycell3">Account</td>
<td class="bodycell4" align="center">
$db->query("UPDATE users SET crest=$NewCrest uID='" . $user['uID'] . "'");
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=<?=$incloc2?>index.php">">
<a href="<?=$incloc2?>index.php"BACK</a>