Hi everyone
i am looking for some help with a little java script
i am no programmer so i need alot of help
i have a marquee tag on my page that slides in some text from right to left once and the stops and remains on the screen
have a look at the website although it is still being worked on
as you can see it works just fin in ie
but goes nuts in firefox

does anyone know or can write java script to replace the marquee tag so it works exackly the same and is also cross brouser compatable

please help

a little sheepish shorn

I visited the site, but it doesn't go nuts in any browser (I have all 5 leading browsers (ff, ie, opera, safari, google chrome) on my computer). Perhaps you should update firefox to 3.5.6?


I visited the site, but it doesn't go nuts in any browser (I have all 5 leading browsers (ff, ie, opera, safari, google chrome) on my computer). Perhaps you should update firefox to 3.5.6?


Hi when i look at the webpage in ie the headers slide in and stop on the left
when i look at them in firefox the just constantly spin

thanks will have a look and download the latest firefox
if that is the solution i will bang my head againt the wal
say a massive thanyou and stop looking at code

a littlle sheepish shorn

Thanks for the replies
i am downloading the latest firefox verion
i also have another problem
i have a meta tag for page transition which is suppose to only work with ie
does the page transition work in firefox

a little sheepish shorn

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