Hi frnds...

i have been completed my project...now, i need to add the LIKE/DISLIKE for each & every article. How can i do that..i think its better to do in AJAX...but i dont know how? plz give me suggestion....

Is there any readymade scripts available on the net...i used only basic php..no CMS...no plugins...

Thanks in advance..
Sari K

i dont know abt ajax. if you want to store like/ dislake values in db. use two buttons nd add two fields to db table increament those fields according to selection. i did rating for the products but i am not using ajaxs. seethis

i dont know abt ajax. if you want to store like/ dislake values in db. use two buttons nd add two fields to db table increament those fields according to selection. i did rating for the products but i am not using ajaxs. seethis

Hi rajabhaskar,

Thanx 4 ur reply... R u talking about AVERAGE RATING in ur site???? i dont want like this...

i have to do like this ..

in this website at the bottom of the IMAGE.....like THUMB symbol...wat ever the image..no prob..but i have to do like this...

i think it is done in AJAX... k..if there is any other way plz tell me.....

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