i want to upload pictures in a folder rather then Mysql database ,please give me direction to uploading images in a folder

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i want to upload pictures in a folder rather then Mysql database ,please give me direction to uploading images in a folder

import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class JdbcInsertImage extends  HttpServlet{
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, 
HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/roseindia";
java.sql.Connection connection=null;
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, 
"root", "root");
PreparedStatement pst = connection.prepareStatement
("insert into image values(?,?)");
File file = new File("C:/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/webapps
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
pst.setString(2, "Tim");
int i = pst.executeUpdate();
pw.println("image has been inserted");
pw.println("image is not inserted");
catch (Exception e)
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