Hi there!

I'm having this problem with LinkMachine. When I try to go to its login page (linkmachine/linkmachine.php), I get a completely blank page.

I tried checking the apache's error log, and I get the errors:

SoftException in Application.cpp:256: File linkmachine.php is writeable by group.
Premature End of Script Headers Error

Tried removing the write permission to the group and still I get a blank page but no more errors in the error log. Any things I should consider?


Well post the code of that file and we shall take a look at it for you Don't forget to use code tags...

Well post the code of that file and we shall take a look at it for you Don't forget to use code tags...

Well, I'm not sure if it can be understood. Anyways, here it is: http://pastebin.com/m543423c4

It appears they have used two layers of encryption on they code making it incompatible with the version of php you are using. The two options are 1 - decode the data to something php can read or 2 - use a script php can read. As for decoding the data, I'm not sure how I myself could decode it but if you asked the makers of the script that might be able to give you a hand. BTW also check that the script is designed for php5 as that would make a big difference encoded or decoded. Sorry I can't be much of a help for this one as my attempts to decode it resulted in random symbols.

It appears they have used two layers of encryption on they code making it incompatible with the version of php you are using. The two options are 1 - decode the data to something php can read or 2 - use a script php can read. As for decoding the data, I'm not sure how I myself could decode it but if you asked the makers of the script that might be able to give you a hand. BTW also check that the script is designed for php5 as that would make a big difference encoded or decoded. Sorry I can't be much of a help for this one as my attempts to decode it resulted in random symbols.

Yeah, seems like it. Can't be really sure though.. :( Too bad the linkmachine people require $5 to have them help. I'll probably first try it on php4. Thanks!

Seems like it works on PHP 4.x.x (can't seem to remember what exact php4 version was it :D) but not on 5.2.6. Can anyone verify this? :-/

Hello ....

I am having the same problem and have notified the LinkMachine people via email. This is occurring on two of my websites hosted by different web hosting companies. I have made no changes to the software or re-installed the software. Will be interested if anyone can recommend a solution.


Hello ....

I just received a response from the LinkMachine folks regarding this problem. There was a compatibility issue with LinkMachine and PHP Version 5.0 +.

I have corrected this problem on my server by downloading all the *.dat files in the LinkMachine folder to my local hard drive and then re-installing LinkMachine from www.linkmachine.net using the automatic installer which is available on their site. There was an error message that appeared on the screen but did not affect the operation of the LinkMachine software when I ran it.


That's good to hear. We'll try to reinstall using the automatic installer. Thanks for the update! :) May I ask what the error message was?

EDIT: Link Machine is working again. Didn't do any reinstall or anything. It just worked again.

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