i am using APACHE 2.0.55 web server
i have configured apache and php ( i get the phpinfo() page correct) altough after installing apache i do not get the 'http:\\localhost' page

i have installed mysql_administrator1.1.9 and mysql-essential-4.1.12 on my PC.
i have uncommented 'php_mysql.dll' in php.ini

after restarting apache server i get error " Unable to load dynamic library ' C:\\program Files\Apache Group\Apache\php\ext\php_mysql.dll' '

please help me in solving the error and configuring mysql to work with php and apache


Why are you using such an old version of MySQL with the new version of PHP? And does that file actually exist in that directory?

to avoid all those use WAMP/LAMPP/MAMP

@ShawnCplus -- 'php_mysql.dll' file exists in the 'ext' directory of php folder.
can u please help us in configuring the mentioned versions....
is the apache version compatible ???


@evstevemd --
i have to use apache, php n mysql configuration for the purpose.

please help!!

@evstevemd --
i have to use apache, php n mysql configuration for the purpose.

please help!!

If that is the case, use the recommended versions of Apache MySQL and PHP that plays well

Thank you all of them who helped me!!

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