
I need help on creation imap mailbox. Im new to php. This is a code where have been created by previous programmer.

if (($USER_REG_IS_LOGIN) && ($tmp_imap_server))
      if (!$user_exist) 
            $form_password = $tmp_emailname . "_1234";
            $request_cmd  = "create_imap_user {$tmp_emailname}     {$tmp_imap_server} $form_password";
            $request_data = UserRegSvr::send_request($socket, $request_cmd);       
            $request_data = unserialize($request_data);                        
      if ($request_data['return_value']['value'])
            $err_msg_txt .= ($err_msg_txt ? "\\n" : "") . $request_data['return_value']['msg'];
               $err_msg_txt .= ($err_msg_txt ? "\\n" : "") . "Unable to create mailbox. User $tmp_emailname already exist in $tmp_imap_server server";

But this code doesnt seems working... Can any one help me with tht? Thanks.

Thanks in advance,


How is it not working? Are you getting errors, if so what are they?

Try turning on error reporting to max, and set display errors to true.


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Hi... yes the codes are correct. The problem is its working well if its development site but not working for live system.

There is few other codes in source code that i found and try to change but i guess there should be some syntax error. Could anybody help me with that please.

case 'create_imap_user':

if (isset($_SESSION['action'])) { unset($_SESSION['action']); }

if (is_login ()) {
include_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "user_registration.imap.php");

list ($username, $imap_servername, $DEV, $args) = explode (' ', $args, 4);

fwrite(STDLOG, "Request to create imap mailbox for :" . $username . " in " . $imap_servername . "\n");

     $return = create_imap_user ($username, $imap_servername,

fwrite(STDLOG, "New mailbox created for" . $username . "\n");

} else {
     $return = $not_login_errmsg;
					fwrite(STDLOG, "Cannot created\n");

This is codes for user_registration.imap.php that have been included in there.

function create_imap_user ($username='', $imap_servername='')
    $return_value = 0;
    if (!trim($username)) {
        $return_value = 70;

    if (!trim($imap_servername)) {
        $return_value = 75;

    if (!$return_value) {

        $descriptorspec = array(
            0 => array("pipe", "r"), 
            1 => array("pipe", "w"),  
            2 => array("pipe", "w")   
		$request_cmd = "./createimapuser.php {$username} {$imap_servername} {$uname_pass}";
        $process = proc_open($request_cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes);
		fwrite(STDLOG, "Mailbox created successfully for :" . $username . " in " . $imap_servername . "\n");
        $tmp_arr = array();

        if (is_resource($process)) {
            $stdout = '';
            while (!feof($pipes[1])) {
                $stdout .= (fread($pipes[1], 1024));
            $stderr = '';
            while (!feof($pipes[2])) {
                $stderr .= (fread($pipes[2], 1024));
            if (strstr(strtoupper($stdout), 'ERROR')) {
                if (strstr($stdout, 'The mailbox already exists in the cyrus imap database')) {
                    $return_value = 76;
                } else {
                    $return_value = 69;
            } else {
                $return_value = proc_close($process);

    $result           = array();
    $return_value_arr = array ('value'=>$return_value, 'msg'=>$GLOBALS['USER_REG_ERR_MSG'][$return_value]);
	//fwrite(STDLOG, "please wait!!!\n");
    return serialize(array('return_value'=>$return_value_arr, 'result'=>$result));

And this is codes for createimapuser.php

$mbox = imap_open($impsvr, "cyrus", "4u@pangkor", OP_HALFOPEN)
or die("can't connect: ". imap_last_error());

if(@imap_createmailbox($mbox, imap_utf7_encode($impsvr."user.".$username))){
	imap_createmailbox($mbox, imap_utf7_encode($impsvr."user.".$username.".Sent");
    imap_createmailbox($mbox, imap_utf7_encode($impsvr."user.".$username.".Thrash");
	imap_createmailbox($mbox, imap_utf7_encode($impsvr."user.".$username.".Drafts");
} else {
	$return = $not_login_errmsg;
	fwrite(STDLOG, "Cannot created".imap_last_error()."\n");

There is a err_msg page which holds all the errors messages.
When I run this code im getting:
2 => "invalid command syntax",

Could anybody point out my mistake?

Thanks in advance,


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