I wan to develop sms gateway of my own in c#, can anyone provide me source code......

the ways show to develop client/server application

I wan to develop sms gateway of my own in c#, can anyone provide me source code......

the ways show to develop client/server application


We got SMS gateway solution developed in C #

let me know your contact details to proceed further.

please drop me email - gdhandapani@cygnet-infotech.com

i wan to display records in response to selected items from dropdownlist into gridview in c# using the sql database,can any one provide me code.....///??

i wan to develop sms Gateway using GSMCom, i send sms to mobile but how i add classes of client/server in the application. Plz provide an example......................... its very urgent.

I want to develop sms gateway of my own in c# for my project, can anyone provide me source code......
please emil me on mayant_3@yahoo.co.in

Hi gfsasa, maybe you can get some useful info from this page (ozekisms.com/index.php?owpn=159) It is about how to send SMS messages through a gateway. Maybe this example can help you.

Good work,


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