I wanted to ask professional members who has built websites in the past wheter you include all your include files in the <head></head> section of your site. I split my design in two header-inc.php and footer-inc.php, obviously the <head></head> section will be in header-inc.php.
Reason is most of my pages require different scripts. Currently i just place for example the javscript in the file that requires it but it makes my code look very messy and hard to navigate/read or i just put an include in the file that requires the script.
I wanted to know as if i had let say 6-8 includes in my head section will it slow down my site, some of the includes won't be required on everypage so in a sence it seems silly to have an include on a page that won't requrie that specific included file althou i think it is best practice... but i thought if i add them all in the <head></head> tags it would save me having to put the code within the actual page or use an include in whatever file etc.
Thansk for any responce. Just want to clean up my code and organise things more now i have learnt allot more and wanted to know how you do it and/or what is the best way/best practice.
Can you tell me how you do it?