I'm new to Javascript and I have a frameset and I need to dynamically change the Sizes of each frame.
How to I do that??
This is my frameset definition::
<frameset rows="8%,87%,5%" >
<frame id="logo" name="banner" src="logo.aspx" noResize scrolling="no">
<FRAMESET cols="73%,27%">
<FRAME id="mainframe" name="mainframe" src="Default.aspx" scrolling="no">
<FRAMESET rows="8%,92%">
<FRAME id="downleftup" name="downleftup" src="querybuttons.aspx">
<FRAME id="downleft" name="downleft" src="layers.aspx">
if you notice the 2 nd Frameset...i have 73% and 27% ..I need to change these values based on various screen resolution...