I'm generating word doc on the fly by using html in asp .net with C#. And I want to add image at top but after creation of word doc I'm not able to see that image. I don't want to use Word or any third party dll.
Please Help me out
Below is code snippet :
strinv = "<html>" +
"<body>" +
"<div><img src=" + "SnH.JPG" + "alt=" + "Spencer N Hills" +/> </div><br/>" +
"<p style=" + "background-color:Silver; border-width:medium; border-style:ridge; border-color:Gray;" + ">" + firstname + middlename + lastname + "</p><br />" +
"<p> Position:" + designation + "</p><br />" +
"<p>" + experience + "</p><br />" +
"</body>" +
string textfilename = firstname.Trim() + "_" + middlename.Trim() + "_" + lastname.Trim() + "_" + "SnH.doc";
System.IO.StreamWriter owrite;
owrite = System.IO.File.CreateText(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/Temp/") + textfilename);