
What I want is once the user does the registeration on clicking the register button an email is sent to the email address with the activation link, untilll and unless the user clicks on that activation link, user's account does not activate.

How can I do this.

Thanks in advance.

fine....after clicking the registration page forward a mail with link and insert that values with status=0 of that user. when ever user clicks that link(which is redirecting to your page) using that link will get that value and write the update query for user status=1. that all.
if you have any doubts reply back your smart code.

in addition to this, i guess what @muralikalpana is driving at, maybe your user database has a flag or a field that is initialized to be zero or something that indicates the user's account has not yet been validated.

sending an email link with status=0 or something else that when clicked, returns the user to the site. This procedure then updates the flag on your user database to indicate that his/her account has been validated and can now proceed to logging-in to the system...

Good luck!

fine....after clicking the registration page forward a mail with link and insert that values with status=0 of that user. when ever user clicks that link(which is redirecting to your page) using that link will get that value and write the update query for user status=1. that all.
if you have any doubts reply back your smart code.

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