Hello world,
I have a problem with sending email in PHP. I was sending many times with the same code, but now it doesn’t work and don’t know why. I’ve contacted with domain helpdesk, but they said that there are all OK and PHP server works properly. Please someone could help me on this issue?
Here is the code
// mltiples recipientes
$para = 'arsen@khaarsen.com' . ', '; // note la coma
$para .= 'arsench@khaarsen.com';
// asunto
$asunto = 'Cursos online PGE S.L.';
// mensaje
$mensaje = '
here is the message body
// Para enviar correo HTML, la cabecera Content-type debe definirse
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
// header
$headers .= 'To: Arsen <arsench2000@gmail.com>' . "\r\n";
$headers = 'From: Cursos online PGE S.L. <noresponder@ginerllinares.com>' . "\r\n"; // this email exists and work
// send
mail($para, $asunto, $mensaje, $headers);
echo"Message sent to <br> $para <br>";