I have the following:
$_host = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['host'];
$_name = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['name'];
$_port = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['port'];
$_user = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['user'];
$_pass = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['pass'];
$dsn = "mysql://$_user:$_pass@$_host:$_port/$_name?new_link=true";
print "dsn is $dsn";
if ($dsn != 'mysql://:@:/?new_link=true') {
$db_connection[$connection_name] = DB::connect($dsn);
if (!DB::isError($db_connection[$connection_name])) {
return $db_connection[$connection_name];
} else {
trigger_error("General system error ID: 00002 - DSN empty", E_USER_ERROR);
the DSN looks fine: mysql://loquo_r:r@
getMessage() gives me a "Connect Failed" error, I have been looking over the internet, but I haven't found any solution and the message isn't very clear
I have tried to connect from the cmd and it works with "mysql -uloquo_r -pr -Dloquo_test"
I don't if there is something trivial I am missing or what.
any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Un saludo y muchas gracias.