I am working on the jquery slideshow script, which i had borrowed from some famous jquery plugin and customized so nicely so as to look just as par my requirement .Its working perfectly fine in the Internet Explorer but failing to even call the event on click in firefox and that's too without notification of any error in the error console.
Now I feel the lack of any debugging tools for jQuery...

Did you try firebug ? Also, a link to your page would help, so we can see for ourselves.

Did you try firebug ? Also, a link to your page would help, so we can see for ourselves.

No, couldn't figure it out with just the firebug, I am feeling the need of some stronger debugging tool.
See the attachment.

Through trial and error I've found the problem to be the float: right from the "t" div. I you remove this, it also works in FF. You have to find a way around this I guess.

Through trial and error I've found the problem to be the float: right from the "t" div. I you remove this, it also works in FF. You have to find a way around this I guess.

yes, i figured it out, but I need to maintain the design also properly.
Now i did another workaround for it ( see attachment), but now the last slide is not visible in the mozilla, it goes down in the bottom of outer wrapper div where it is not visible.

No attachment.

No attachment.

sory, find it here

I can only see that the scrolling is off in opera and chrome. I'm guessing the float left is causing this to happen, but I have not yet found a solution.

I can only see that the scrolling is off in opera and chrome. I'm guessing the float left is causing this to happen, but I have not yet found a solution.

yes, noticed it and that's why, to solve the problem I had done it the other way as par the second attached file.To solve the problem from the first scenario as in attachment .
I have removed the div:t to solve that file.So now its working in firefox also, but just the last slide is going down from the frame in firefox.

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