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at first i had no validationGroup and the validations for add row fields would always fire, so that was no good. so i'm trying to put them in a validation group. you can see from the sample code i put the vg in field textbox, the field's validation controls, and the add button, now when the add button is clicked i get no validation at all.
so i get both extremes but not what is needed. this seemed pretty straight forward, i'm not seeing what is missing or wrong, any suggestions?
example asp code for one of the add row data fields, it would the same general format for all other fields:
<asp:textbox ID="newOrientationTime" runat="server" Width="50" ValidationGroup="newODate"/>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="newOrientationTimeReq"
runat="server" Display="none" ControlToValidate="newOrientationTime"
ErrorMessage="an orientation start time is required" ValidationGroup="newODate">
and the asp for the add button
<asp:Button CommandName="Insert" Text="Add" CausesValidation="true"
ID="btnAdd" Runat="server" ValidationGroup="newODate"/>